Scholarship and Research
ICPEA members engage in active research and scholarship to advance educational leadership and student learning. These publications demonstrate our deep scholarship, engaging in critical issues facing eductaion and leadership preparation.
Conrad, D. L., Smith, C., & Howell, G. L. (in press). Mock interviews: A win-win partnership for districts and pre-service educators. Journal of Education Human Resources.
Colvard, I. L., & Zaharis, M. (2023). Thriving in the superintendency: Female district leaders share their journeys. Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research, 11(1), 32-49.
Reese, J., Glasgow, D., Safer, A., & Korenman, T. (2023). Teacher perceptions of characteristics of an effective instructional leader. Education Leadership Review, 24, 80-95.
Sekulich, K. (2023). Leadership for collaborative decision-making. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, 89(3), 30-34.
Zaharis, M. (2023). Whole teacher mindset: Unlocking the tapped potential of teachers. ILASCD Quarterly Journal, 11-20.
Bradford, M. R. (2022). Creating the [insert name here] methodology: A doctoral journey into value-creative dialogue. In S. W. Watson, S. Austin, & J. Bell (Eds.), Conceptual analyses of curriculum inquiry methodologies, 182-203. IGI Global.
Conrad, D. L., & Hackmann, D. G. (2022). Implications of Illinois teacher evaluation reforms: Insights from principals. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 21(3), 565-584.
Jerome, H. C., Glasgow, D., Zaharis, M., Safer, L. A. (2022). Teachers’ perceptions on the impacts of social emotional learning program implementation. Education Leadership Review, 22, 169-183.
King, K., Ressler, M.B., & Escobar, A. (2022). Infusing culturally responsiveness and social emotional skill development into the poreparation of transformative educational leaders. In D. Fowler, J. Vasquez Hellig, S. Jouganatos, and A. Johnson (Eds.), Equity & access: An analysis of educational leadership preparation, policy, & practice. Information Age Publishing.
King, K., Harris, A., & Vales, A. (2022). Exploring the landscape of educational leader wellness. In B. Carpenter, J. Mahfouz, & K. Robinson (Eds.), Supporting leaders for school improvement through self-care and wellbeing. Information Age Publishing.
Ressler, M.B., Apantenco, C., Wexler, L.J., & King, K.B. (2022). Preservice teachers’ mental health: Using student voice to inform pedagogical, programmatic, and curricular change. Action in Teacher Education. DOI: 10.1080/01626620.2021.1997832
Reza, F., Maurer, E., & Jandes, K. (2022). Supporting inclusive practices within an online educational institution. In F. Reza (Ed.), Diversity and inclusion in educational institutions, 22–48. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Van Tuyle, V. (2022). Assistant principals reconsider “normal” following COVID-19. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 17(1), 56-74.
Bradford, M. R. (2021). Imparting hope and inspiring joy: Practicing value-creative dialogue in educational leadership. In I. Nuñez & J. Goulah (Eds.), Hope and joy in education: Engaging Daisaku Ikeda across curriculum and context, 54-65. Teachers College Press.
Conrad, D. L, & Klomes, J. (2021). Reform under turbulence: Leveraging accreditation for improvement of principal preparation programs. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 16(1), 106-121.
Cummings, M.I., & Kidan, K. (2021). Increasing pedagogical training for online faculty: The importance of developing culturally responsive practices. Journal of Educators Online, 18(3).
Damore, S., & Rieckhoff, B. (2021). Leading reflective practices in Montessori schools. Journal of Montessori Research, 7(1), 51-65.
Damore, S. & Rieckhoff, B. (2021). School leader perceptions: Coaching tool and process. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 16(1), 1-24.
Herrmann, M. B., & Herrmann, J. A. (2021). Considerations for district-level anti-racist leadership preparation. In A. D. Welton & S. Diem (Eds.), Strengthening anti-racist educational leaders: Advocating for racial equity in turbulent times. Bloomsbury.
King, K. (2021). Social emotional learning and antiracism. Voices for Educational Equity.
Mahfouz, J., King, K. & James, L.D. (2021). Lessons from the storm: Emotions, meaning-making & leadership during transition. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher.
Minor, E. (2021). An opportunity for change. i.e.: inquiry in education, 13(2).
Nagashima, J., & Bradford, M. R. (2021). Belonging, places and digital spaces: A value-creative inquiry. The Journal of School and Society, 7(2) 69–85.
Campos-Moreira, L.D., Cummings, M.I., Grumbach, G., Williams, H.E., & Hooks, K. (2020). Making a case for culturally humble leadership practices through a culturally responsive leadership framework [Editorial]. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, and Governance. 44(5), 407-414.
Conrad, D. L. (2020). Reexamining “perfect” attendance in schools. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 5(S1), 1-7.
Fitzpatrick, J. (2020). Beyond theories and degrees: The alley smarts of educational leadership. Rowman & Littlefield.
Herrmann, M. B. (2020). Learn to lead, lead to learn: Leadership as a work in progress. Rowman & Littlefield.
Reza, F., Maurer, E., & Jandes, K. (2020). Exploring comprehensive diversity and inclusion practices at an online college: Reflection, discussion, and implementation. Academia Journal of Educational Research, 8(9), 343-352.
Rieckhoff, B. S., Ockerman, M., Proweller, A., & Wolfinger, J. (2020). Building teacher empathy and culturally responsive practice through professional development and self-reflection, Journal of Vincentian Social Action, 5(2), Article 8.
Sekulich, K. M. (2020a). Developing an online community of learners. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, 86(5), 17-22.
Sekulich, K. M. (2020b). Learning through formative feedback: A review of the literature. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, 86(3), 51-59.
Bartz, D., Hall, N., Rice, P., & Robinson, T. (2019). Student sexual harassment: What school board leaders need to know. Illinois School Board Journal.
Cummings, M.I. & Olson, J. (2019). The importance and potential of community partnerships in urban schools in an era of high stakes accountability. Improving Schools, 23(2), 1-16.
Jensen, B., LeBaron Wallace, T., Steinberg, M. P., Gabriel, R. E., Dietiker, L., Davis, D. S., Kelcey, B., Covay Minor, E., Halpin, P., & Rui, N. (2019). Complexity and scale in teaching effectiveness research: Reflections from the MET Study. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27(7).
Minor, E. C., Saw, G., Frank, K., Schneider, B., & Torphy, K. (2019). External contextual factors, teacher turnover and student achievement: The case of Michigan high schools. Teachers College Record, 121(11), 1-30.
Rice, P. (2019). Equity, From the Boardroom to the Classroom: Transforming Districts into Professional Learning Organizations. Rowman & Littlefield.
Cummings, M.I. & Williams, H.E. (2018). Developing leaders decision-making skills: Considerations for making the decision to privatize services. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 19(3), 21-34.
Jandes, K. (2018). Building Trust Spawns Results. In D. Griffiths, S. Lowrey, & M. Cassar, (Eds.), The Leader Reader: Narratives of Experience, 210–212. Word & Deed Publishing.
Rieckhoff, B.S., Owens, R.F. & Kraber, B (2018). Teaching in the 21st Century: Perspectives from a Catholic university partnership, Journal of Catholic Education, 21(2), 182-203.
Scholarship Focused on Illinois Leadership Preparation
Condon, K. R. (2019). The policy process of school leadership reform: A case study of Illinois's Public Act 96-0903 (Doctoral dissertation). University of Illinois at Chicago.
Conrad, D. L, & Klomes, J. (2021). Reform under turbulence: Leveraging accreditation for improvement of principal preparation programs. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 16(1), 106-121.
Hackmann, D. G., & Malin, J. R. (2016). If you build it, will they come? Educational leadership program coordinators' perceptions of principal preparation redesign in Illinois. International Journal of Educational Reform, 25(4), 338–360.
Hunt, E., Haller, A., Hood, L., & Kincaid, M. (Eds.). (2019). Reforming principal preparation at the state level: Perspectives on policy reform from Illinois. Routledge.
Kersten, T., Trybus, M., & White, D. (2009). Improving administrative internship programs: Perceptions of Illinois principals. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 4(2).
Van Tuyle, V. & Reeves, A. (2014). "Forgottonia"? The status of rural schools in Illinois' principal preparation reform. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 9(2), 110-127.
Van Tuyle, V. & Hunt, J. W. (2013). Will new Illinois principal preparation programs fix Illinois public schools? Critical Questions in Education, 4(3).
White, B. R., Pareja, A. S., Hart, H, Klostermann, B. K., Huynh, M. H., Frazier-Meyers, M., & Holt, J. K.. (2016). Navigating the shift to intensive principal preparation in Illinois: An in-depth look at stakeholder perspectives [Policy report]. Illinois Education Research Council.
Conrad, D. L., Smith, C., & Howell, G. L. (in press). Mock interviews: A win-win partnership for districts and pre-service educators. Journal of Education Human Resources.
Colvard, I. L., & Zaharis, M. (2023). Thriving in the superintendency: Female district leaders share their journeys. Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research, 11(1), 32-49.
Reese, J., Glasgow, D., Safer, A., & Korenman, T. (2023). Teacher perceptions of characteristics of an effective instructional leader. Education Leadership Review, 24, 80-95.
Sekulich, K. (2023). Leadership for collaborative decision-making. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, 89(3), 30-34.
Zaharis, M. (2023). Whole teacher mindset: Unlocking the tapped potential of teachers. ILASCD Quarterly Journal, 11-20.
Bradford, M. R. (2022). Creating the [insert name here] methodology: A doctoral journey into value-creative dialogue. In S. W. Watson, S. Austin, & J. Bell (Eds.), Conceptual analyses of curriculum inquiry methodologies, 182-203. IGI Global.
Conrad, D. L., & Hackmann, D. G. (2022). Implications of Illinois teacher evaluation reforms: Insights from principals. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 21(3), 565-584.
Jerome, H. C., Glasgow, D., Zaharis, M., Safer, L. A. (2022). Teachers’ perceptions on the impacts of social emotional learning program implementation. Education Leadership Review, 22, 169-183.
King, K., Ressler, M.B., & Escobar, A. (2022). Infusing culturally responsiveness and social emotional skill development into the poreparation of transformative educational leaders. In D. Fowler, J. Vasquez Hellig, S. Jouganatos, and A. Johnson (Eds.), Equity & access: An analysis of educational leadership preparation, policy, & practice. Information Age Publishing.
King, K., Harris, A., & Vales, A. (2022). Exploring the landscape of educational leader wellness. In B. Carpenter, J. Mahfouz, & K. Robinson (Eds.), Supporting leaders for school improvement through self-care and wellbeing. Information Age Publishing.
Ressler, M.B., Apantenco, C., Wexler, L.J., & King, K.B. (2022). Preservice teachers’ mental health: Using student voice to inform pedagogical, programmatic, and curricular change. Action in Teacher Education. DOI: 10.1080/01626620.2021.1997832
Reza, F., Maurer, E., & Jandes, K. (2022). Supporting inclusive practices within an online educational institution. In F. Reza (Ed.), Diversity and inclusion in educational institutions, 22–48. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Van Tuyle, V. (2022). Assistant principals reconsider “normal” following COVID-19. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 17(1), 56-74.
Bradford, M. R. (2021). Imparting hope and inspiring joy: Practicing value-creative dialogue in educational leadership. In I. Nuñez & J. Goulah (Eds.), Hope and joy in education: Engaging Daisaku Ikeda across curriculum and context, 54-65. Teachers College Press.
Conrad, D. L, & Klomes, J. (2021). Reform under turbulence: Leveraging accreditation for improvement of principal preparation programs. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 16(1), 106-121.
Cummings, M.I., & Kidan, K. (2021). Increasing pedagogical training for online faculty: The importance of developing culturally responsive practices. Journal of Educators Online, 18(3).
Damore, S., & Rieckhoff, B. (2021). Leading reflective practices in Montessori schools. Journal of Montessori Research, 7(1), 51-65.
Damore, S. & Rieckhoff, B. (2021). School leader perceptions: Coaching tool and process. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 16(1), 1-24.
Herrmann, M. B., & Herrmann, J. A. (2021). Considerations for district-level anti-racist leadership preparation. In A. D. Welton & S. Diem (Eds.), Strengthening anti-racist educational leaders: Advocating for racial equity in turbulent times. Bloomsbury.
King, K. (2021). Social emotional learning and antiracism. Voices for Educational Equity.
Mahfouz, J., King, K. & James, L.D. (2021). Lessons from the storm: Emotions, meaning-making & leadership during transition. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher.
Minor, E. (2021). An opportunity for change. i.e.: inquiry in education, 13(2).
Nagashima, J., & Bradford, M. R. (2021). Belonging, places and digital spaces: A value-creative inquiry. The Journal of School and Society, 7(2) 69–85.
Campos-Moreira, L.D., Cummings, M.I., Grumbach, G., Williams, H.E., & Hooks, K. (2020). Making a case for culturally humble leadership practices through a culturally responsive leadership framework [Editorial]. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, and Governance. 44(5), 407-414.
Conrad, D. L. (2020). Reexamining “perfect” attendance in schools. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 5(S1), 1-7.
Fitzpatrick, J. (2020). Beyond theories and degrees: The alley smarts of educational leadership. Rowman & Littlefield.
Herrmann, M. B. (2020). Learn to lead, lead to learn: Leadership as a work in progress. Rowman & Littlefield.
Reza, F., Maurer, E., & Jandes, K. (2020). Exploring comprehensive diversity and inclusion practices at an online college: Reflection, discussion, and implementation. Academia Journal of Educational Research, 8(9), 343-352.
Rieckhoff, B. S., Ockerman, M., Proweller, A., & Wolfinger, J. (2020). Building teacher empathy and culturally responsive practice through professional development and self-reflection, Journal of Vincentian Social Action, 5(2), Article 8.
Sekulich, K. M. (2020a). Developing an online community of learners. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, 86(5), 17-22.
Sekulich, K. M. (2020b). Learning through formative feedback: A review of the literature. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, 86(3), 51-59.
Bartz, D., Hall, N., Rice, P., & Robinson, T. (2019). Student sexual harassment: What school board leaders need to know. Illinois School Board Journal.
Cummings, M.I. & Olson, J. (2019). The importance and potential of community partnerships in urban schools in an era of high stakes accountability. Improving Schools, 23(2), 1-16.
Jensen, B., LeBaron Wallace, T., Steinberg, M. P., Gabriel, R. E., Dietiker, L., Davis, D. S., Kelcey, B., Covay Minor, E., Halpin, P., & Rui, N. (2019). Complexity and scale in teaching effectiveness research: Reflections from the MET Study. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 27(7).
Minor, E. C., Saw, G., Frank, K., Schneider, B., & Torphy, K. (2019). External contextual factors, teacher turnover and student achievement: The case of Michigan high schools. Teachers College Record, 121(11), 1-30.
Rice, P. (2019). Equity, From the Boardroom to the Classroom: Transforming Districts into Professional Learning Organizations. Rowman & Littlefield.
Cummings, M.I. & Williams, H.E. (2018). Developing leaders decision-making skills: Considerations for making the decision to privatize services. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 19(3), 21-34.
Jandes, K. (2018). Building Trust Spawns Results. In D. Griffiths, S. Lowrey, & M. Cassar, (Eds.), The Leader Reader: Narratives of Experience, 210–212. Word & Deed Publishing.
Rieckhoff, B.S., Owens, R.F. & Kraber, B (2018). Teaching in the 21st Century: Perspectives from a Catholic university partnership, Journal of Catholic Education, 21(2), 182-203.
Scholarship Focused on Illinois Leadership Preparation
Condon, K. R. (2019). The policy process of school leadership reform: A case study of Illinois's Public Act 96-0903 (Doctoral dissertation). University of Illinois at Chicago.
Conrad, D. L, & Klomes, J. (2021). Reform under turbulence: Leveraging accreditation for improvement of principal preparation programs. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 16(1), 106-121.
Hackmann, D. G., & Malin, J. R. (2016). If you build it, will they come? Educational leadership program coordinators' perceptions of principal preparation redesign in Illinois. International Journal of Educational Reform, 25(4), 338–360.
Hunt, E., Haller, A., Hood, L., & Kincaid, M. (Eds.). (2019). Reforming principal preparation at the state level: Perspectives on policy reform from Illinois. Routledge.
Kersten, T., Trybus, M., & White, D. (2009). Improving administrative internship programs: Perceptions of Illinois principals. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 4(2).
Van Tuyle, V. & Reeves, A. (2014). "Forgottonia"? The status of rural schools in Illinois' principal preparation reform. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 9(2), 110-127.
Van Tuyle, V. & Hunt, J. W. (2013). Will new Illinois principal preparation programs fix Illinois public schools? Critical Questions in Education, 4(3).
White, B. R., Pareja, A. S., Hart, H, Klostermann, B. K., Huynh, M. H., Frazier-Meyers, M., & Holt, J. K.. (2016). Navigating the shift to intensive principal preparation in Illinois: An in-depth look at stakeholder perspectives [Policy report]. Illinois Education Research Council.